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New products 2023/I (spring)

Line XMS profiles are available with an internal cable conduit and with a cable conduit that can be accessed from outside. Two new profiles now make it easy to combine the cross-sections harmoniously.
Meanwhile, the new Face Plates XMS M45 provide a surround for operating elements in the Modul 45 design and cover over the integrated cable conduit of Line XMS profiles.
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Cap R40/45° M45 - XMS, grey similar to RAL 7042

Face Plate 80x80-45° M45 1 Gang - XMS, natural

Face Plate 80 M45 1 Gang - XMS, natural

Profile X 8 40 80x80-45° M45-45° - XMS, natural

Profile X 8 40 80x80-R40 M45-45° - XMS, natural